Anti- Sexual Harassment Bill 2022 – Malaysia

March 1, 2024

The struggle for law against sexual harassment began in the 1990’s with complaints received from the various parts of the country and the active involvement of Women’s Centre of change and a petition for legislation with more than 13000 signatures garnered, endorsed by various organizations in support for this move to bring up a legislative protection. The then president of the WCC, Ms. Zarizana Abdul Aziz played an instrumental in drafting the law and throughout the revisions of the bill.

Finally, after two decades of advocacy the Malaysian Parliament Dewant Rakyat, passed the Anti- Sexual Harassment Bill on July 2022.

The Women, Family and community development ministry assured that Sexual harassment shall no more be a normalcy in the country. The tribunal shall have a president and a deputy president who shall be appointed from the judiciary. Remaining members will comprise former members of the judiciary or experienced practising lawyers and those with expertise in sexual harassment laws. The panel will also have at least one woman and at least one man. The Women’s Minister Datuk Seri Rina Harun assured survivors that the process will be victim-centric, expedient and will not cost a lot.

Anti-sexual Harassment Bill 2022.

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