Cambodia’s new health legislations 2023

March 7, 2024

On June 21,2023 Cambodia government adopted a new law on Civil Registration, ensuring the registration of every birth and death along with other vital life events effectively. This comprehensive framework establishes a legal system linking the civil registration of births and death along with the individual identification and residence, thereby establishing a universal right of an identity card for all citizens and also ensuring protection of privacy and personal data.

Till date Cambodia lacked a comprehensive and robust legal framework system that lays a universal CRVSID system (Civil Registration Vital statistics and Identity). It lacked a system providing the realisation of human rights naturally by providing legal identity , protecting the rights to health education nationality property and the enjoyment of other social entitlements and benefits. It just had a series of advocacy  sub decrees that only addressed elements of CRVSID . IT lacked centralised computerised system with up to date information population register and a national legislation.

Under the new legislation, civil registration is  guaranteed to all individuals residing in Cambodia, for every vital event that occurs within the country, regardless of the person’s nationality, citizenship, ethnicity or geographical location. The law provides for a decentralized system with district and provincial level civil registrars, which means registration will be locally accessible for everyone. To further incentivize registration of vital events, the process for late and delayed registration has been simplified and registration fees have been removed.

Curbing Illegal Advertisers

The ministry also issued a notification for obtainance of advertising approvals for advertising health products and cosmetics in the country. To legally advertise a health product in Cambodia, it must first be registered with the MOH (except for cosmetics, which only require notification). The advertising approval must be sought from the MOH, which will be reviewed on the contentof the proposed advertisement in compliance with Cambodian law. Approval is subject to a time limit, depending on the manner of advertising. The key regulations prescribing rules are Consumer law, E-commerce law, and the Sub-Decree on the Management of Commercial Advertising of Products and Services.

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