Sweden Alien’s Act 2023

March 7, 2024

Sweden clamps down the loopholes abused by the asylum seekers waiting to enter the country as the government announced stricter rules for those wanting to avail themselves of family reunification schemes. The country has been witnessing a sharp spike on crimes and criminal gangs in the new migrant communities.

The primary legislation governing family reunification in Sweden is the Aliens Act (Utlänningslagen).

The country’s policies now made a requirement for the efugees already in the country to provide greater and more proofs that they can support family members when applying for reunification visas.Now, The age limit for refusing to issue a residence permit for a spouse or partner from 18 to 21.

In Sweden, family reunification has been an important aspect of the country’s asylum policy and a major reason that asylum numbers ballooned and whole ethnic communities which has been established over a period of time through a phenomenon known as chain migration.

The Swedish government and the right-wing populist Sweden Democrats will push ahead with a proposal to tighten the requirements for family immigration aimed at reducing the number of crossings to Sweden. Sweden’s right-wing coalition and the Sweden Democrats (SD) announced their backing for a bill to curb the number of arrivals to Sweden.

The proposals aim to reduce the number of asylum seekers coming to Sweden.

To further restrict entry, the bill seeks to make it more difficult to obtain residence permits on humanitarian grounds. At the same time, the possibility of granting children and certain adults a residence permit based on what is known as ‘particularly’ distressing circumstances will be removed. Instead, the stricter requirement of “exceptional” reasons will also apply to children.

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